St. Jerome Quotes

Welcome to our compilation of insightful quotes by St. Jerome, a prominent figure in early Christianity known for his translation of the Bible into Latin, known as the Vulgate. St. Jerome, also recognized as Hieronymus or Jerome of Stridon, was a theologian, historian, and linguist whose profound contributions continue to influence religious scholarship and Christian thought.

Throughout his life, St. Jerome offered profound reflections on spirituality, knowledge, and the human condition, leaving behind a legacy of wisdom that transcends centuries. His writings encompass a wide range of topics, from faith and morality to the pursuit of truth and the complexities of human nature. With clarity and depth, St. Jerome’s words resonate with seekers of spiritual enlightenment and seekers of knowledge alike, inviting contemplation and introspection.

Below, you’ll find a curated selection of St. Jerome quotes, each offering a glimpse into the timeless wisdom of this revered scholar and saint. Whether you seek inspiration, guidance, or simply a moment of reflection, these quotes serve as poignant reminders of the enduring relevance of St. Jerome’s teachings in our lives today.

Action without a name, a ‘who’ attached to it, is meaningless. St. Jerome

Those who persevere in sin are those who are held in abhorrence by God, but those who abandon the ways of sin are loved by the Lord. St. Jerome

Good, better, best. Never let it rest. ‘Til your good is better and your better is best. St. Jerome

A fat stomach never breeds fine thoughts. St. Jerome

Being over seventy is like being engaged in a war. All our friends are going or gone and we survive amongst the dead and the dying as on a battlefield. St. Jerome

They talk like angels but they live like men. St. Jerome

Someone may ask, ‘How is justice greater than all the other virtues?’ The other virtues gratify the one who possesses them; justice does not give pleasure to the one possessing it, but instead pleases others. St. Jerome

Let your daughter have first of all the book of Psalms for holiness of heart, and be instructed in the Proverbs of Solomon for her godly life. St. Jerome

Keep doing some kind of work, that the devil may always find you employed. St. Jerome

Virginity can be lost by a thought. St. Jerome

Marriage is good for those who are afraid to sleep alone at night. St. Jerome

What good is speed if the brain has oozed out on the way. St. Jerome

I am like the sick sheep that strays from the rest of the flock. Unless the Good Shepherd takes me on His shoulders and carries me back to His fold, my steps will falter, and in the very effort of rising, my feet will give way. St. Jerome

Love is not to be purchased, and affection has no price. St. Jerome

Catch, then, O catch the transient hour; Improve each moment as it flies! St. Jerome

The face is the mirror of the mind, and eyes without speaking confess the secrets of the heart. St. Jerome

I am that prodigal son who wasted all the portion entrusted to me by my father. But I have not yet fallen at my father’s knees. I have not yet begun to put away from me the enticements of my former riotous living. St. Jerome

A friend is long sought, hardly found, and with difficulty kept. St. Jerome

Be ever engaged, so that whenever the devil calls he may find you occupied. St. Jerome

True friendship ought never to conceal what it thinks. St. Jerome

Why do you not practice what you preach. St. Jerome

Beauty when unadorned is adorned the most. St. Jerome

The scars of others should teach us caution. St. Jerome

My native land is a slave of heathenism, men’s god is their belly, and they live only for the present. The richer a man, the holier. St. Jerome

The friendship that can cease has never been real. St. Jerome

Act as if the maxim of your action were to become through your will a be general natural law. St. Jerome

Haste is of the Devil. St. Jerome

It is not enough for us to restrain from doing evil, unless we shall also do good. St. Jerome

Anton Usov
Anton Usov
I am Anton Usov, an educator with a passion for quotes that resonate with the human experience. Over many years, I have curated a collection that reflects wisdom and emotions across time. Join me in exploring the power of words to inspire and enlighten our paths.
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