Welcome to the world of Rumi Quotes, where the timeless wisdom and profound insights of the renowned 13th-century Persian poet, Rumi, come to life. Rumi’s poetry transcends time and culture, touching the hearts and souls of people across the globe with its universal themes of love, spirituality, and self-discovery. On this page, you will discover a collection of inspirational and thought-provoking quotes from Rumi that have the power to inspire, uplift, and guide you on your life’s journey.
Rumi’s words have a unique ability to resonate with individuals from all walks of life, offering solace during times of difficulty and celebrating the joys of existence. Whether you are seeking guidance, inspiration, or simply a moment of reflection, you’ll find Rumi’s profound words to be a source of enlightenment and inspiration. Feel free to explore these quotes, copy them, place them on an image, or enhance them with stylish fonts to create your own visual reminders of Rumi’s enduring wisdom. Let’s dive into the world of Rumi’s quotes and discover the treasures of insight that await you.
I have no companion but Love, no beginning, no end, no dawn. The Soul calls from within me: ‘You, ignorant of the way of Love, set Me free.’ Rumi
Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form. Rumi
Listen! Clam up your mouth and be silent like an oyster shell, for that tongue of yours is the enemy of the soul, my friend. When the lips are silent, the heart has a hundred tongues. Rumi
Oh, bird of my soul, fly away now, For I possess a hundred fortified towers. Rumi
May this marriage be full of laughter, our every day in paradise. Rumi
I have seen the king with a face of Glory, He who is the eye and the sun of heaven, He who is the companion and healer of all beings, He who is the soul and the universe that births souls. Rumi
Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. Rumi
I am neither of the East nor of the West, no boundaries exist within my breast. Rumi
That which God said to the rose, and caused it to laugh in full-blown beauty, He said to my heart, and made it a hundred times more beautiful. Rumi
You know the value of every article of merchandise, but if you don’t know the value of your own soul, it’s all foolishness. Rumi
Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart. Rumi
You’ve come to know the fortunate and the inauspicious stars, but you don’t know whether you yourself are fortunate or lucky. Rumi
Beg of God the removal of envy, that God may deliver you from externals, and bestow upon you an inward occupation, which will absorb you so that your attention is not drawn away. Rumi
This is the essence of all sciences – that you should know who you will be when the Day of Reckoning arrives. Rumi
What shall I say, O Muslims, I know not myself, I am neither a Christian, nor a Jew, nor a Zoroastrian, nor a Muslim. Rumi
Love will find its way through all languages on its own. Rumi
Everything that is made beautiful and fair and lovely is made for the eye of one who sees. Rumi
If you find the mirror of the heart dull, the rust has not been cleared from its face. Rumi
The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along. Rumi
Grief can be the garden of compassion. If you keep your heart open through everything, your pain can become your greatest ally in your life’s search for love and wisdom. Rumi
Plant the love of the holy ones within your spirit; don’t give your heart to anything, but the love of those whose hearts are glad. Rumi
When I die, I shall soar with angels, and when I die to the angels, what I shall become you cannot imagine. Rumi
Woman is a ray of God. She is not that earthly beloved: she is creative, not created. Rumi
And so it is, that both the Devil and the angelic Spirit present us with objects of desire to awaken our power of choice. Rumi
However much I might try to expound or explain Love, when I come to Love itself, I am ashamed of my explanations… Love alone can explain the mysteries of love and lovers. Rumi
Your depression is connected to your insolence and refusal to praise. Rumi
There are a thousand ways to kneel and kiss the ground; there are a thousand ways to go home again. Rumi
This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet. Rumi
That which is false troubles the heart, but truth brings joyous tranquillity. Rumi
Sunlight fell upon the wall; the wall received a borrowed splendor. Why set your heart on a piece of earth, O simple one? Seek out the source which shines forever. Rumi
The moment I first heard love I gave up my soul, my heart, and my eyes. Rumi
There is an invisible strength within us; when it recognizes two opposing objects of desire, it grows stronger. Rumi
May these vows and this marriage be blessed. Rumi
The way the Beloved can fit in my heart, two thousand lives could fit in this body of mine. One kernel could contain a thousand bushels, and a hundred worlds pass through the eye of the needle. Rumi
Something opens our wings. Something makes boredom and hurt disappear. Someone fills the cup in front of us: We taste only sacredness. Rumi
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I will meet you there. Rumi
Why should I be unhappy? Every parcel of my being is in full bloom. Rumi
Water, stories, the body, all the things we do, are mediums that hid and show what’s hidden. Rumi
You left and I cried tears of blood. My sorrow grows. Its not just that You left. But when You left my eyes went with You. Now, how will I cry? Rumi
Beauty surrounds us, but usually we need to be walking in a garden to know it. Rumi
Let the beauty of what you love be what you do. Rumi
We are born of love; Love is our mother. Rumi
The gifts of lovers to one another are, in respect to love, nothing but forms; yet, they testify to invisible love. Rumi
When someone beats a rug, the blows are not against the rug, but against the dust in it. Rumi
The garden of love is green without limit and yields many fruits other than sorrow or joy. Love is beyond either condition: without spring, without autumn, it is always fresh. Rumi
Through Love all that is bitter will be sweet, Through Love all that is copper will be gold, Through Love all dregs will become wine, through Love all pain will turn to medicine. Rumi
It may be that the satisfaction I need depends on my going away, so that when I’ve gone and come back, I’ll find it at home. Rumi