Welcome to our collection of Kindness Quotes, a page dedicated to celebrating the beauty of kindness through insightful and inspiring words. Kindness is a universal language that transcends cultural boundaries and connects us as human beings. It has the power to brighten someone’s day, mend broken hearts, and create a ripple effect of positivity in the world. On this page, you will find a curated selection of thought-provoking quotes that capture the essence of kindness and its profound impact on our lives. Whether you’re seeking inspiration, looking for quotes to share with others, or want to create beautiful visuals with these quotes, you’re in the right place. Scroll down to discover a treasure trove of wisdom, and remember that kindness is a gift that keeps on giving.
A little thought and a little kindness are often worth more than a great deal of money. John Ruskin
The words of kindness are more healing to a drooping heart than balm or honey. Sarah Fielding
Together we can change the world, just one random act of kindness at a time. Ron Hall
Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough. Franklin D. Roosevelt
Kindness, I’ve discovered, is everything in life. Isaac Bashevis Singer
When the norm is decency, other virtues can thrive: integrity, honesty, compassion, kindness, and trust. Raja Krishnamoorthi
I don’t want to say everything happens for a reason but every day is lined up right next to the other one for a reason. The best you can do is do each day well with kindness and as a good person. Mayim Bialik
Deliberately seek opportunities for kindness, sympathy, and patience. Evelyn Underhill
OK, in all seriousness, I would say I couldn’t be in a relationship without equality, generosity, integrity, spirit, kindness and humor. And awesomeness. Jennifer Aniston
Always be kind, but kindness doesn’t mean that you have to not say what you think. Grace VanderWaal
In human relationships, kindness and lies are worth a thousand truths. Graham Greene
Kindness can become its own motive. We are made kind by being kind. Eric Hoffer
Nothing is black or white, nothing’s ‘us or them.’ But then there are magical, beautiful things in the world. There’s incredible acts of kindness and bravery, and in the most unlikely places, and it gives you hope. Dave Matthews
Kindness is in our power, even when fondness is not. Samuel Johnson
Generosity and kindness always feel good to give, and it never feels good to give grief or negativity. Jason Becker
Kindness in ourselves is the honey that blunts the sting of unkindness in another. Walter Savage Landor
Transparency, honesty, kindness, good stewardship, even humor, work in businesses at all times. John Gerzema
There’s nothing so kingly as kindness, and nothing so royal as truth. Alice Cary
Donald learned from a very young age that in order to survive in my family, he needed to be what my grandfather referred to as a killer, you know, somebody who had no weaknesses – in other words, kindness, generosity, sensitivity. So I think, over time, those qualities were systematically drilled out of Donald by his dad. Mary L. Trump
What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness? Jean-Jacques Rousseau
I’ve been searching for ways to heal myself, and I’ve found that kindness is the best way. Lady Gaga
No one has yet realized the wealth of sympathy, the kindness and generosity hidden in the soul of a child. The effort of every true education should be to unlock that treasure. Emma Goldman
When you carry out acts of kindness you get a wonderful feeling inside. It is as though something inside your body responds and says, yes, this is how I ought to feel. Harold Kushner
To practice five things under all circumstances constitutes perfect virtue; these five are gravity, generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness, and kindness. Confucius
Ask yourself: Have you been kind today? Make kindness your daily modus operandi and change your world. Annie Lennox
You don’t teach morals and ethics and empathy and kindness in the schools. You teach that at home, and children learn by example. Judy Sheindlin
Kindness is always fashionable, and always welcome. Amelia Barr
You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late. Ralph Waldo Emerson
If you do something with acceptance and kindness, you can create a true friendship. Dustin Lance Black
Let us more and more insist on raising funds of love, of kindness, of understanding, of peace. Money will come if we seek first the Kingdom of God – the rest will be given. Mother Teresa
There’s no use doing a kindness if you do it a day too late. Charles Kingsley
There are realities we all share, regardless of our nationality, language, or individual tastes. As we need food, so do we need emotional nourishment: love, kindness, appreciation, and support from others. J. Donald Walters
Education teaches us compassion and kindness, connection to others. Jill Biden
We should respect all religions and just believe in peace, kindness and harmony. Ananya Panday
Many men fail because they do not see the importance of being kind and courteous to the men under them. Kindness to everybody always pays for itself. And, besides, it is a pleasure to be kind. Charles M. Schwab
I’m a big believer in acts of kindness, no matter how small. Liam Neeson
Working with Dudley Moore was so hilarious. I don’t know how we got anything done because everybody was laughing so hard, but he was such a wonderful man, and he had a kindness and a musicality and a dearness to him that was triumphant. Liza Minnelli
Kindly words do not enter so deeply into men as a reputation for kindness. Mencius
Kindness is a passport that opens doors and fashions friends. It softens hearts and molds relationships that can last lifetimes. Joseph B. Wirthlin
First, I want to pay tribute to Diana myself. She was an exceptional and gifted human being. In good times and bad, she never lost her capacity to smile and laugh, nor to inspire others with her warmth and kindness. I admired and respected her – for her energy and commitment to others, and especially for her devotion to her two boys. Queen Elizabeth II
The influence of a mother upon the lives of her children cannot be measured. They know and absorb her example and attitudes when it comes to questions of honesty, temperance, kindness, and industry. Billy Graham
With all of the bad things that are happening in the world right now, I think we need a message of togetherness and true unity. I believe that starts with personal reflection and then we can find kindness toward each other. Marielle Heller
There is overwhelming evidence that the higher the level of self-esteem, the more likely one will be to treat others with respect, kindness, and generosity. Nathaniel Branden
It’s very important to choose kindness and stop bullying. Jacob Tremblay
We are constituted so that simple acts of kindness, such as giving to charity or expressing gratitude, have a positive effect on our long-term moods. The key to the happy life, it seems, is the good life: a life with sustained relationships, challenging work, and connections to community. Paul Bloom
Guard well within yourself that treasure, kindness. Know how to give without hesitation, how to lose without regret, how to acquire without meanness. George Sand
Kindness, tolerance, integrity, modesty, generosity – these are attributes that events permit us. They are our holiday moods, and we are as proud of them as of the fine clothes we have hung away to wear on occasions. Ben Hecht
Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. Unknown
You can be rich in spirit, kindness, love and all those things that you can’t put a dollar sign on. Dolly Parton
In Asian languages, the word for ‘mind’ and the word for ‘heart’ are same. So if you’re not hearing mindfulness in some deep way as heartfulness, you’re not really understanding it. Compassion and kindness towards oneself are intrinsically woven into it. You could think of mindfulness as wise and affectionate attention. Jon Kabat-Zinn
Kindness in women, not their beauteous looks, shall win my love. William Shakespeare
I actually think that the most efficacious way of making a difference is to lead by example, and doing random acts of kindness is setting a very good example of how to behave in the world. Misha Collins
Every minute of every hour of every day you are making the world, just as you are making yourself, and you might as well do it with generosity and kindness and style. Rebecca Solnit
A laugh, to be joyous, must flow from a joyous heart, for without kindness, there can be no true joy. Thomas Carlyle
And as I’ve gotten older, I’ve had more of a tendency to look for people who live by kindness, tolerance, compassion, a gentler way of looking at things. Martin Scorsese
I make mistakes daily, letting generalizations creep into my thoughts and negatively affect my behavior. These mistakes have taught me that the first step to successfully choosing kindness is being more mindful about it, letting go of impatience and intolerance along the way. Daniel Lubetzky
Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey. Marcel Proust
The male is a domestic animal which, if treated with firmness and kindness, can be trained to do most things. Jilly Cooper
If everyone took personal responsibility for their animals, we wouldn’t have a lot of the animal problems that we do. I’m a big spay-and-neuter supporter. Don’t have babies if you’re not going to take care of those babies. We don’t need more. We just need to take care of the ones we have. Take responsibility and breathe kindness. Betty White
The man Dickens, whom the world at large thought it knew, stood for all the Victorian virtues – probity, kindness, hard work, sympathy for the down-trodden, the sanctity of domestic life – even as his novels exposed the violence, hypocrisy, greed, and cruelty of the Victorian age. Robert Gottlieb
Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received. Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling. Thanksgiving is the following of that impulse. Henry Van Dyke
What we all have in common is an appreciation of kindness and compassion; all the religions have this. We all lean towards love. Richard Gere
The catch phrase for the day is ‘Do an act of kindness. Help one person smile.’ Harvey Ball
I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet, strange, I am ungrateful to those teachers. Khalil Gibran
There is but One God. His name is Truth; He is the Creator. He fears none; he is without hate. He never dies; He is beyond the cycle of births and death. He is self-illuminated. He is realized by the kindness of the True Guru. He was True in the beginning; He was True when the ages commenced and has ever been True. He is also True now. Guru Nanak
I don’t think Christmas is necessarily about things. It’s about being good to one another, it’s about the Christian ethic, it’s about kindness. Carrie Fisher
A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love. Saint Basil
It’s not our job to play judge and jury, to determine who is worthy of our kindness and who is not. We just need to be kind, unconditionally and without ulterior motive, even – or rather, especially – when we’d prefer not to be. Josh Radnor
There’s no dearth of kindness In the world of ours; Only in our blindness We gather thorns for flowers. Gerald Massey
It is only after one is in trouble that one realizes how little sympathy and kindness there are in the world. Nellie Bly
I like kindness. Who doesn’t? Life is definitely too short for self-centered, abusive people. Ellen Greene
Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again. Og Mandino
Kindness is the sunshine in which virtue grows. Robert Green Ingersoll
Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver. Barbara De Angelis
Here are the values that I stand for: honesty, equality, kindness, compassion, treating people the way you want to be treated and helping those in need. To me, those are traditional values. Ellen DeGeneres
My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness. Dalai Lama
Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate. Albert Schweitzer
As a practicing Catholic all my life, my faith and the church are never far from my mind. The lessons I learned in the church have structured the way I’ve approached my life and my career. They were lessons of grace, kindness, forgiveness, and compassion. Donna Brazile
One who is kind is sympathetic and gentle with others. He is considerate of others’ feelings and courteous in his behavior. He has a helpful nature. Kindness pardons others’ weaknesses and faults. Kindness is extended to all – to the aged and the young, to animals, to those low of station as well as the high. Ezra Taft Benson
Just imagine how different the world could be if we all spoke to everyone with respect and kindness. Holly Branson
Kindness and politeness are not overrated at all. They’re underused. Tommy Lee Jones
If you have the chance to be exposed to a loving, understanding environment where the seed of compassion, loving kindness, can be watered every day, then you become a more loving person. Thich Nhat Hanh
Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you. Princess Diana
I think being a mum gives you extra qualities. I’m more feisty, fiercely protective and less selfish. The main trait I want to instill in my kids is kindness. I think it’s the most important thing. If you’re kind, you’ll go a long way. Rebecca Ferguson
Kindness is more important than wisdom, and the recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom. Theodore Isaac Rubin
You can tell by the kindness of a dog how a human should be. Captain Beefheart
Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love. Lao Tzu
One who knows how to show and to accept kindness will be a friend better than any possession. Sophocles
Kindness has converted more sinners than zeal, eloquence, or learning. Frederick William Faber
Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end. Scott Adams
I have always depended on the kindness of strangers. Tennessee Williams
First and foremost, we need to be the adults we want our children to be. We should watch our own gossiping and anger. We should model the kindness we want to see. Brene Brown
I believe in the will. I believe in discipline. I believe in the organization. I believe in the rigor that gives us work. I believe in love as an engine of all things. I believe in the light. I believe in God. I believe in kindness. Edgar Ramirez
In the school of mortality, we experience tenderness, love, kindness, happiness, sorrow, disappointment, pain, and even the challenges of physical limitations in ways that prepare us for eternity. David A. Bednar
What we see before us is a politics devoid of kindness and truth… today, politics is not being used in the service of the people: it is being used to crush them, not to lift them up. Rahul Gandhi
True beauty is born through our actions and aspirations and in the kindness we offer to others. Alek Wek
You can accomplish by kindness what you cannot by force. Publilius Syrus
A part of kindness consists in loving people more than they deserve. Joseph Joubert
The everyday kindness of the back roads more than makes up for the acts of greed in the headlines. Charles Kuralt
One of the magical things about kindness is that it’s what we nerds call a ‘happiness aggregator.’ People confuse kindness with being nice. And they’re very different. You can be nice and be passive. But kindness requires action. Daniel Lubetzky