Welcome to the world of Ken Follett Quotes, where we dive into the brilliant mind of the renowned author, Ken Follett. With a career spanning decades and a multitude of bestsellers to his name, Ken Follett has captured the hearts and imaginations of readers around the globe. His writing is a testament to the power of storytelling, blending history, intrigue, and compelling characters in a way that keeps readers eagerly turning the pages. In this collection, we bring you a curated selection of Ken Follett’s most profound and thought-provoking quotes. Whether you’re a fan of his novels or simply seeking inspiration, you’ll find his words resonate with timeless wisdom and literary prowess. Feel free to explore these quotes, use them in your projects, or adorn them with stylish fonts for a touch of visual elegance.
Now, without further ado, let’s embark on a journey through the wisdom and creativity of Ken Follett’s words
For success, the author must make the reader care about the destiny of the principals, and sustain this anxiety, or suspense, for about 100,000 words. Ken Follett
There is no point in asking a man a question until you have established whether he has any reason to lie to you. Ken Follett
I don’t think there’s any great mystery to writing female characters, so long as you talk to them. If you lived in a monastery and never met any women, maybe it would be difficult. Ken Follett
I want to tell a story that makes the reader always want to see what will happen next. Ken Follett
One of the hardest things for me, now that I’m famous, is finding people who can read my stuff and give me an honest critique. Ken Follett
In my books, women often solve the problem. Even if the woman is not the hero, she’s a strong character. She does change the plot. She’ll often rescue the male character from some situation. Ken Follett
I’m a great planner, so before I ever write chapter 1, I work out what happens in every chapter and who the characters are. I usually spend a year on the outline. Ken Follett
We all now tell stories by cutting from one dramatic scene to the next, whereas Victorian novelists felt free to write long passages of undramatic summary. Ken Follett
I might not be a good socialist, any more than I’m a good Christian, but I am one. Ken Follett
With the World War II era, there’s so much written material to draw on. When you go back to the 14th century, you have to imagine more. Ken Follett
Well, for people who want to write best sellers, the best advice I can give is to say that the novel has to engage the reader emotionally. Ken Follett
People are much more complicated in real life, but my characters are as subtle and nuanced as I can make them. But if you say my characters are too black and white, you’ve missed the point. Villains are meant to be black-hearted in popular novels. If you say I have a grey-hearted villain, then I’ve failed. Ken Follett
I like to create imaginary characters and events around a real historical situation. I want readers to feel: OK, this probably didn’t happen, but it might have. Ken Follett
I wake up with the story in my head, so I really like to be at my desk about five minutes after I wake up. So I don’t get dressed. I put on a bathrobe, I make tea and sit at my desk. Ken Follett
I use a professional researcher in New York who does all the legwork, all that stuff which would take me days and weeks of calling, waiting for people to call back. Ken Follett
I went and looked at one of these great cathedrals one day, and I was blown away by it. From there I became interested in how cathedrals were built, and from there I became interested in the society that built the medieval cathedral. It occurred to me at some point that the story of the building of a cathedral could be a great popular novel. Ken Follett
I start with the history, and I ask myself, ‘What are the great turning points? What are the big dramatic scenes that are essential to telling the story?’ Ken Follett
I wanted to be some kind of captain of industry. Then I wanted to be in advertising, and then I wanted to be a newspaper reporter. Ken Follett
There is a real connection between Philosopy and fiction. Ken Follett
The CIA’s research program is described in a book called The Search for the Manchurian Candidate. Ken Follett
Listen, I wrote 10 unsuccessful books before I broke through, so I’m looking all the time to keep my books fascinating. I want to write what people want to read, not push any message. Ken Follett
I read mostly fiction, a lot of 19th-century novels. Ken Follett
There was a very serious communist strain among American intellectuals before the war. America was a more tolerant place in those days, and Communists were not treated as pariahs. That ended with the McCarthy era. Ken Follett
I like reading history, and actually most authors enjoy the research part because it is, after all, easier than writing. Ken Follett
I enjoy learning technical details. Ken Follett
It’s great that in the German language I’ve sold almost 30 million books. Isn’t that amazing? Ken Follett
When I’m writing a woman character, I don’t think, ‘What would a woman do?’ I just think, ‘What would this character do in this situation?’ Ken Follett
An awful lot of thriller writers write women rather badly. So just doing it OK gets a lot of credit. Ken Follett
I am very fond of Edith Wharton. She’s quite high brow but also a great storyteller. My favorite is ‘The House of Mirth.’ I also like ‘The Reef.’ Ken Follett
My favorite period is World War II, and I’m in the middle of writing my fourth novel set in that era. Ken Follett
The thriller is the most popular literary genre of the 20th century. Ken Follett
Thrillers have been traditionally very masculine books; the women characters often rather decorative. Ken Follett
Without books I would not have become a vivacious reader, and if you are not a reader you are not a writer. Ken Follett
I aim to be translucent, so you don’t notice the words, just their meaning. I haven’t much insight into people’s motivations. Ken Follett
After a certain point, most people, including editors, will tell you everything you do is great. Ken Follett
Movies have influenced all writers, not just thriller writers. Ken Follett
A very good editor is almost a collaborator. Ken Follett
With hindsight, we see that the Soviet Union never had a chance of world domination, but we didn’t know that then. Ken Follett
Most of my stories have some basis in fact. Ken Follett
The research is the easiest. The outline is the most fun. The first draft is the hardest, because every word of the outline has to be fleshed out. The rewrite is very satisfying. Ken Follett
I have quite a few different Bibles. Having rejected my parents’ religion, I still think the King James Bible is the most important work of literature in English. None of us can help being influenced by it. Ken Follett
James Bond is quite serious about his drinks and clothing and cigarettes and food and all that sort of thing. There is nothing wry or amused about James Bond. Ken Follett
World War II is the greatest drama in human history, the biggest war ever and a true battle of good and evil. I imagine writers will continue to get stories from it, and readers will continue to love them, for many more years. Ken Follett
Culture clash is terrific drama. Ken Follett
I started writing stories in my spare time. Ken Follett
Be a perfectionist. Ken Follett