Indeed Quotes

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The massive bulk of the earth does indeed shrink to insignificance in comparison with the size of the heavens. Nicolaus Copernicus

Indeed, we’re strongest when the face of America isn’t only a soldier carrying a gun but also a diplomat negotiating peace, a Peace Corps volunteer bringing clean water to a village, or a relief worker stepping off a cargo plane as floodwaters rise. Colin Powell

Who needs a bullet piercing, armor piercing bullet to go hunting? Who needs an assault rifle to go hunting? You can’t even use the prey that you kill with an assault rifle if you indeed do it. Don Lemon

The world at night, for much of history, was a very dark place indeed. Bill Bryson

Suffering is the positive element in this world, indeed it is the only link between this world and the positive. Franz Kafka

They say it is the first step that costs the effort. I do not find it so. I am sure I could write unlimited ‘first chapters’. I have indeed written many. J. R. R. Tolkien

The iPhone is made on a global scale, and it blends computers, the Internet, communications, and artificial intelligence in one blockbuster, game-changing innovation. It reflects so many of the things that our contemporary world is good at – indeed, great at. Tyler Cowen

Prayer indeed is good, but while calling on the gods a man should himself lend a hand. Hippocrates

Building a proper wardrobe is like building a home. Indeed, you should think of it like a home, because it is something you’re going to live in. It must be comfortable and suit all your needs. Edith Head

The right to be let alone is indeed the beginning of all freedoms. William O. Douglas

Humility is not cowardice. Meekness is not weakness. Humility and meekness are indeed spiritual powers. Swami Sivananda

The world is indeed comic, but the joke is on mankind. H. P. Lovecraft

My friends, as I have discovered myself, there are no disasters, only opportunities. And, indeed, opportunities for fresh disasters. Boris Johnson

Nationalism has nothing to do with democratic values: Authoritarians can be nationalists; indeed, most are. Anne Applebaum

Why indeed must ‘God’ be a noun? Why not a verb – the most active and dynamic of all. Mary Daly

It is of great importance to our country generally, and especially to our navigating and whaling interests, that the Pacific Coast and, indeed, the whole of our territory west of the Rocky Mountains, should speedily be filled up by a hardy and patriotic population. James K. Polk

In the face of patriarchy, it is a brave act indeed for both men and women to embrace, rather than shame or attempt to eradicate, the feminine. Alanis Morissette

Our Western society is showing its technological muscles in ever more threatening ways, but the experience of fear, anxiety and even despair has increased in equal proportion. Indeed, the paradox is that the powerful giants feel as powerless as a new-born babe. Henri Nouwen

Honesty is grounded in humility and indeed in humiliation, and in admitting exactly where we are powerless. David Whyte

I have, indeed, no abhorrence of danger, except in its absolute effect – in terror. Edgar Allan Poe

The person who can bring the spirit of laughter into a room is indeed blessed. Bennett Cerf

Versification is, indeed, indispensable for music, but rhyme, solely for rhyming’s sake, most pernicious. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

We are ‘nuclear waste’ from the fuel that makes stars shine; indeed, each of us contains atoms whose provenance can be traced back to thousands of different stars spread through our Milky Way. Martin Rees

Be wise with speed; a fool at forty is a fool indeed. Edward Young

Life without idealism is empty indeed. We just hope or starve to death. Pearl S. Buck

Abortion is not a right. It is a violent act against the defenseless. It violates every principle of morality and should be barred by American law. Until that day, I fully support bans on partial-birth abortion, third-trimester abortion, and indeed every limit that can receive public support. Josh Hawley

If we command our wealth, we shall be rich and free; if our wealth commands us, we are poor indeed. Edmund Burke

If you are as happy in entering the White House as I shall feel on returning to Wheatland, you are a happy man indeed. James Buchanan

Our senses are indeed our doors and windows on this world, in a very real sense the key to the unlocking of meaning and the wellspring of creativity. Jean Houston

Along the way, we have had some wonderful adventures and have met thousands of dedicated fans – indeed, many of them feel like family to us now. John Prine

The death of a language. The word has the same kind of reluctant resonance as it has when we talk about the death of a person. And indeed, that’s how it should be. For that’s how it is. A language dies only when the last person who speaks it dies. David Crystal

I have written on all sorts of subjects… yet I have no enemies; except indeed all the Whigs, all the Tories, and all the Christians. David Hume

A little learning, indeed, may be a dangerous thing, but the want of learning is a calamity to any people. Frederick Douglass

Throughout evolution, ostracism was death indeed. Helen Fisher

Humans love truth and justice, and rejoice in ceremonies that honor those qualities. For that sentiment we should indeed thank God. Alfred Hershey

We have indeed at the moment little cause for pride: as a profession we have made a mess of things. Friedrich August von Hayek

The moral virtues, then, are produced in us neither by nature nor against nature. Nature, indeed, prepares in us the ground for their reception, but their complete formation is the product of habit. Aristotle

The Zionists indeed learnt well from the Nazis. So well that it seems that their morally repugnant treatment of the Palestinians, and their attempts to destroy Palestinian society within Israel and the occupied territories, reveals them as basically Nazis with beards and black hats. Norman Finkelstein

Everything in the universe has a purpose. Indeed, the invisible intelligence that flows through everything in a purposeful fashion is also flowing through you. Wayne Dyer

Traits acquired during one’s lifetime – muscles built up in the gym, for example – cannot be passed on to the next generation. Now with technology, as it happens, we might indeed be able to transfer some of our acquired traits on to our selected offspring by genetic engineering. Nick Bostrom

The hope that poverty and ignorance may gradually be extinguished, derives indeed much support from the steady progress of the working classes during the nineteenth century. Alfred Marshall

Faith indeed tells what the senses do not tell, but not the contrary of what they see. It is above them and not contrary to them. Blaise Pascal

I am indeed willing to acknowledge what I have done, an error and presumption. I will call it an error and presumption because I swerved from the accustomed flowery paths of female delicacy. Deborah Sampson

Baneful indeed is the scourge of war. Stephen Grellet

Seeing is no longer believing. The very notion of truth has been put into crisis. In a world bloated with images, we are finally learning that photographs do indeed lie. Barbara Kruger

Spirituality is indeed the master key of the Indian mind; the sense of the infinitive is native to it. Sri Aurobindo

People who cease to believe in God or goodness altogether still believe in the devil. I don’t know why. No, I do indeed know why. Evil is always possible. And goodness is eternally difficult. Anne Rice

Indeed, the economy and the environment need not be seen in opposition. Jacob Rothschild

Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that thankfulness is indeed a virtue. William Bennett

Beauty is indeed a good gift of God; but that the good may not think it a great good, God dispenses it even to the wicked. Saint Augustine

As all human beings are, in my view, creatures of God’s design, we must respect all other human beings. That does not mean I have to agree with their choices or agree with their opinions, but indeed I respect them as human beings. Stockwell Day

I’ve been asked many times if I considered myself a narcissist, so I looked up the real meaning of the word, and I came to the conclusion that indeed I am one. I think of myself as better than other people, not every person, but many, unique and talented, and I aim to success. Robbie Williams

A miracle is really the only way to describe motherhood and giving birth. It’s unbelievable how God has made us women and babies to endure and be able to do so much. A miracle, indeed. Such an incredible blessing. Jennie Finch

Mr. Attlee is a very modest man. Indeed he has a lot to be modest about. Winston Churchill

Action indeed is the sole medium of expression for ethics. Jane Addams

Man has made many machines, complex and cunning, but which of them indeed rivals the workings of his heart? Pablo Casals

The conscience of the world is so guilty that it always assumes that people who investigate heresies must be heretics; just as if a doctor who studies leprosy must be a leper. Indeed, it is only recently that science has been allowed to study anything without reproach. Aleister Crowley

The joy of giving is indeed a pleasure, especially when you get rid of something you don’t want. Frank Butler

Your God is ever beside you – indeed, He is even within you. Alphonsus Liguori

Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon. Indeed, it is a weapon unique in history, which cuts without wounding and ennobles the man who wields it. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Some indeed have tears naturally, when the higher motion of the soul makes itself felt in the lower, or because God our Lord, seeing that it would be good for them, allows them to melt into tears. But this does not mean that they have greater charity or that they are more effective than others who enjoy no tears. Saint Ignatius

I am growing handsome very fast indeed! I expect I shall be the belle of Amherst when I reach my 17th year. I don’t doubt that I shall have perfect crowds of admirers at that age. Then how I shall delight to make them await my bidding, and with what delight shall I witness their suspense while I make my final decision. Emily Dickinson

In essence, String Theory describes space and time, matter and energy, gravity and light, indeed all of God’s creation… as music. Roy H. Williams

Childhood vaccines are one of the great triumphs of modern medicine. Indeed, parents whose children are vaccinated no longer have to worry about their child’s death or disability from whooping cough, polio, diphtheria, hepatitis, or a host of other infections. Ezekiel Emanuel

The coniferous forests of the Yosemite Park, and of the Sierra in general, surpass all others of their kind in America, or indeed the world, not only in the size and beauty of the trees, but in the number of species assembled together, and the grandeur of the mountains they are growing on. John Muir

Theory states that Allah’s law is cruel and unfair, but Allah himself has said that his law is indeed fair. Hassanal Bolkiah

If you believe indeed in the Lord Jesus for the salvation of your soul, if you walk uprightly and do not regard iniquity in your heart, if you continue to wait patiently, and believingly upon God; then answers will surely be given to your prayers. George Muller

Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have. Margaret Mead

Knowing lots of answers but being a millisecond slow on the buzzer is indeed very frustrating. Ken Jennings

Indeed, a major source of objection to a free economy is precisely that it… gives people what they want instead of what a particular group thinks they ought to want. Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself. Milton Friedman

Life is short and the older you get, the more you feel it. Indeed, the shorter it is. People lose their capacity to walk, run, travel, think, and experience life. I realise how important it is to use the time I have. Viggo Mortensen

Indeed, this life is a test. It is a test of many things – of our convictions and priorities, our faith and our faithfulness, our patience and our resilience, and in the end, our ultimate desires. Sheri L. Dew

The British were indeed very far superior to the Americans in every respect necessary to military operations, except the revivified courage and resolution, the result of sudden success after despair. Mercy Otis Warren

No man succeeds without a good woman behind him. Wife or mother, if it is both, he is twice blessed indeed. Godfrey Winn

I have spent all my life under a Communist regime, and I will tell you that a society without any objective legal scale is a terrible one indeed. But a society with no other scale but the legal one is not quite worthy of man either. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Consciousness is indeed always with us. Everyone knows ‘I am!’ No one can deny his own being. Ramana Maharshi

If you understand something well, you can represent it, describe it, embody it in several ways. Indeed, if you can only present it in one way, then your own mastery is likely to be tenuous. Howard Gardner

God Almighty first planted a garden. And indeed, it is the purest of human pleasures. Francis Bacon

I have a reputation for drinking a lot. Indeed, I drink quite much. However, I give it up when I wish to do so. I never, ever drink while on duty. The drinking is only for my pleasure. I do not remember neglecting my duties because of drinking even once. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

Morality and its victim, the mother – what a terrible picture! Is there indeed anything more terrible, more criminal, than our glorified sacred function of motherhood? Emma Goldman

It is a rare mind indeed that can render the hitherto non-existent blindingly obvious. The cry ‘I could have thought of that’ is a very popular and misleading one, for the fact is that they didn’t, and a very significant and revealing fact it is too. Douglas Adams

Yes, love indeed is light from heaven; A spark of that immortal fire with angels shared, by Allah given to lift from earth our low desire. Lord Byron

Science will explain how but not why. It talks about what is, not what ought to be. Science is descriptive, not prescriptive; it can tell us about causes but it cannot tell us about purposes. Indeed, science disavows purposes. Jonathan Sacks

Sometimes, indeed, there is such a discrepancy between the genius and his human qualities that one has to ask oneself whether a little less talent might not have been better. Carl Jung

I have Spanish ancestry and, indeed, speak the language, up to a point. Michael Portillo

I live a very dull life here… indeed I think I am more like a state prisoner than anything else. Martha Washington

I am indeed amazed when I consider how weak my mind is and how prone to error. Rene Descartes

To be born in Wales, not with a silver spoon in your mouth, but, with music in your blood and with poetry in your soul, is a privilege indeed. Brian Harris

Death consists, indeed, in a repeated process of unrobing, or unsheathing. The immortal part of man shakes off from itself, one after the other, its outer casings, and – as the snake from its skin, the butterfly from its chrysalis – emerges from one after another, passing into a higher state of consciousness. Annie Besant

Indeed, the hereditary gift of prophecy will go to the grave with me. Nostradamus

Nothing, indeed, is more dangerous to the young artist than any conception of ideal beauty: he is constantly led by it either into weak prettiness or lifeless abstraction: whereas to touch the ideal at all, you must not strip it of vitality. Oscar Wilde

Love is indeed, at root, the product of the firings of neurons and release of hormones. Julian Baggini

It is indeed a desirable thing to be well-descended, but the glory belongs to our ancestors. Plutarch

We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately. Benjamin Franklin

The earth is supported by the power of truth; it is the power of truth that makes the sun shine and the winds blow; indeed all things rest upon truth. Chanakya

If we were logical, the future would be bleak, indeed. But we are more than logical. We are human beings, and we have faith, and we have hope, and we can work. Jacques Yves Cousteau

Investigation may be likened to the long months of pregnancy, and solving a problem to the day of birth. To investigate a problem is, indeed, to solve it. Mao Zedong

If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed. Albert Einstein

The gospel comprises indeed, and unfolds, the whole mystery of man’s redemption, as far forth as it is necessary to be known for our salvation. Robert Boyle

The world is indeed a mixture of truth and make-believe. Discard the make-believe and take the truth. Ramakrishna

Anton Usov
Anton Usov
I am Anton Usov, an educator with a passion for quotes that resonate with the human experience. Over many years, I have curated a collection that reflects wisdom and emotions across time. Join me in exploring the power of words to inspire and enlighten our paths.
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