Welcome to a collection of inspiring and thought-provoking quotes by Felix Hernandez. Felix Hernandez, widely known as King Felix, is a renowned Venezuelan professional baseball pitcher who has left an indelible mark on the sport. Throughout his illustrious career, Hernandez has not only dazzled fans with his exceptional pitching skills but has also shared profound insights and wisdom that extend far beyond the baseball diamond.
In this compilation of Felix Hernandez quotes, you’ll discover a treasure trove of wisdom, motivation, and inspiration. From reflections on perseverance and determination to insights into the mindset of a champion, Hernandez’s words resonate with individuals from all walks of life. Whether you’re a baseball enthusiast, an aspiring athlete, or simply seeking a dose of encouragement, these quotes are sure to uplift and empower you. Explore the timeless wisdom of Felix Hernandez and let his words ignite your passion and drive for success. Now, without further ado, delve into the wisdom of King Felix below.
In ’05, ’06, ’07 and ’08, I wasn’t throwing any changeups at all. Maybe two or three per game. In ’09, I started playing with the grip, started throwing it in the bullpen and playing catch. It came out really good. Felix Hernandez
I don’t want to be just an average guy. I want to do whatever possible to win a lot of games. I’m a competitor. Felix Hernandez
When you work somewhere and you feel comfortable, you don’t want to leave. You want to stay there forever. Felix Hernandez
I’m going to say this – to the people in Seattle, to all the people in Seattle that trust me, that believe in me – I’m going to say this: I’m not going to disappoint anybody. Felix Hernandez
I can’t say anything I don’t love about Seattle. Felix Hernandez
Every year, you have to keep adjusting. I’m 28; I’m not 19 anymore. You have to work harder now. Felix Hernandez