Enemies Quotes

Welcome to our collection of Enemies Quotes, where we delve into the complexities of human relationships and the emotions that arise when conflicts arise. Enemies, often portrayed as adversaries or opponents, have been a significant part of human history and literature for centuries. This page explores the profound and thought-provoking quotes that shed light on the nature of enmity, rivalry, and the various facets of discord in our lives.

From the words of renowned philosophers and authors to the wisdom of contemporary thinkers, you’ll find a wide range of quotes that provide insights into the dynamics of animosity and the impact it has on individuals and societies. Whether you’re seeking inspiration, introspection, or simply a way to express your thoughts on this subject, the Enemies Quotes below will provide you with plenty of material to ponder. Feel free to copy and paste these quotes, place them on images, or enhance them with stylish fonts to make your statements on enmity even more compelling. Explore the wisdom and perspective these quotes offer, and let them guide you in understanding the complexities of human relationships and the paths to reconciliation.

You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life. Victor Hugo

Optimism comes less easily today, not because democracy is less vigorous, but because democracy’s enemies have refined their instruments of repression. Ronald Reagan

People crushed by laws, have no hope but to evade power. If the laws are their enemies, they will be enemies to the law; and those who have most to hope and nothing to lose will always be dangerous. Edmund Burke

Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names. John F. Kennedy

Never hate your enemies. It affects your judgment. Mario Puzo

Let us not listen to those who think we ought to be angry with our enemies, and who believe this to be great and manly. Nothing is so praiseworthy, nothing so clearly shows a great and noble soul, as clemency and readiness to forgive. Marcus Tullius Cicero

Drugs are the enemies of ambition and hope – and when we fight against drugs we are fighting for the future. Bob Riley

Monarchs ought to put to death the authors and instigators of war, as their sworn enemies and as dangers to their states. Elizabeth I

Wars teach us not to love our enemies, but to hate our allies. W. L. George

Always forgive your enemies – nothing annoys them so much. Oscar Wilde

The man of knowledge must be able not only to love his enemies but also to hate his friends. Friedrich Nietzsche

Man’s enemies are not demons, but human beings like himself. Lao Tzu

The truth is sometimes a hard pill to swallow. It sometimes causes us difficulties at home and abroad. It is sometimes used by our enemies in attempts to hurt us. But the American people are entitled to it, nonetheless. John McCain

We often give our enemies the means for our own destruction. Aesop

Let my enemies devour each other. Salvador Dali

Keep in mind, when two enemies are talking, they’re not fighting, they’re talking. They might be yelling and screaming, but at least they’re talking. It’s when the talking ceases that the ground becomes fertile for violence. Daryl Davis

Be loyal to those who are loyal to you. And respect everyone, even your enemies and competition. John Cena

Put two ships in the open sea, without wind or tide, and, at last, they will come together. Throw two planets into space, and they will fall one on the other. Place two enemies in the midst of a crowd, and they will inevitably meet; it is a fatality, a question of time; that is all. Jules Verne

It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends. J. K. Rowling

We need a foreign policy that distinguishes America’s friends from her enemies, and recognizes the true threats that we face. Sarah Palin

You can calculate the worth of a man by the number of his enemies, and the importance of a work of art by the harm that is spoken of it. Gustave Flaubert

When you’re taught to love everyone, to love your enemies, then what value does that place on love? Marilyn Manson

I am not afraid of my enemies, but by God, you must look out when you get among your friends. Cornelius Vanderbilt

I have lots of friends, but I’m probably a terrible friend to all of them, even my family. I wouldn’t be surprised if I found myself with no friends later on in life. My friends become my enemies. Ariel Pink

You see, we are here, as far as I can tell, to help each other; our brothers, our sisters, our friends, our enemies. That is to help each other and not hurt each other. Stevie Ray Vaughan

I owe much to my friends; but, all things considered, it strikes me that I owe even more to my enemies. The real person springs life under a sting even better than under a caress. Andre Gide

As Governor of my country, I have been an enemy to its enemies; I have slain the English; I have mortally opposed the English King; I have stormed and taken the towns and castles which he unjustly claimed as his own. William Wallace

Five enemies of peace inhabit with us – avarice, ambition, envy, anger, and pride; if these were to be banished, we should infallibly enjoy perpetual peace. Petrarch

The tragedy of modern war is that the young men die fighting each other – instead of their real enemies back home in the capitals. Edward Abbey

I bring out the worst in my enemies and that’s how I get them to defeat themselves. Roy Cohn

No accurate thinker will judge another person by that which the other person’s enemies say about him. Napoleon Hill

In order to rally people, governments need enemies… if they do not have a real enemy, they will invent one in order to mobilize us. Thich Nhat Hanh

When we turn to one another for counsel we reduce the number of our enemies. Khalil Gibran

Look around. There are no enemies here. There’s just good, old-fashioned rivalry. Bob Wells

Is it not hard that even those who are with us should be against us – that a man’s enemies, in some degree, should be those of the same household of faith? Yet so it is. John Wesley

I no doubt deserved my enemies, but I don’t believe I deserved my friends. Walt Whitman

As a matter of self-preservation, a man needs good friends or ardent enemies, for the former instruct him and the latter take him to task. Diogenes

I have no friends and no enemies – only competitors. Aristotle Onassis

Real men laugh at opposition; real men smile when enemies appear. Marcus Garvey

Lovers may be – and indeed generally are – enemies, but they never can be friends, because there must always be a spice of jealousy and a something of Self in all their speculations. Lord Byron

I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is over self. Aristotle

In the city that the wolf enters, enemies will be close by. An alien force will sack a great country. Allies will cross the mountains and the borders. Nostradamus

If we cut up beasts simply because they cannot prevent us and because we are backing our own side in the struggle for existence, it is only logical to cut up imbeciles, criminals, enemies, or capitalists for the same reasons. C. S. Lewis

Comforts and syphilis are the greatest enemies of mankind. Alexis Carrel

The real enemies of our life are the ‘oughts’ and the ‘ifs.’ They pull us backward into the unalterable past and forward into the unpredictable future. But real life takes place in the here and now. Henri Nouwen

Some of the more popular life-centers for teens include Friends, Stuff, Enemies, Self, and Work. They each have their good points, but they are all incomplete in one way or another, and they’ll mess you up if you center your life on any one of them to the exclusion of the others. Sean Covey

If you want peace, you don’t talk to your friends. You talk to your enemies. Desmond Tutu

Foreknowledge of the future makes it possible to manipulate both enemies and supporters. Raymond Aron

A person who doubts himself is like a man who would enlist in the ranks of his enemies and bear arms against himself. He makes his failure certain by himself being the first person to be convinced of it. Alexandre Dumas

A wise man gets more use from his enemies than a fool from his friends. Baltasar Gracian

Observe your enemies, for they first find out your faults. Antisthenes

Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty. Stephen King

Pick your enemies carefully or you’ll never make it in Los Angeles. Rona Barrett

There is nothing nobler or more admirable than when two people who see eye to eye keep house as man and wife, confounding their enemies and delighting their friends. Homer

If you want to make peace, you don’t talk to your friends. You talk to your enemies. Moshe Dayan

Anger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding. Mahatma Gandhi

I’ve always said that in politics, your enemies can’t hurt you, but your friends will kill you. Ann Richards

Reason and love are sworn enemies. Pierre Corneille

The Book of Mormon exposes the enemies of Christ. It confounds false doctrines and lays down contention. Ezra Taft Benson

No man ever got very high by pulling other people down. The intelligent merchant does not knock his competitors. The sensible worker does not knock those who work with him. Don’t knock your friends. Don’t knock your enemies. Don’t knock yourself. Alfred Lord Tennyson

We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies. Martin Luther King, Jr.

He will never have true friends who is afraid of making enemies. William Hazlitt

You don’t make peace with your friends. You make peace with your enemies. Rula Ghani

You don’t make peace with friends. You make it with very unsavory enemies. Yitzhak Rabin

It is not enough for me to win. My enemies must lose. David Merrick

A man who has made no enemies is probably not a very good man. Antonin Scalia

It’s said in Hollywood that you should always forgive your enemies – because you never know when you’ll have to work with them. Lana Turner

All are my friends. I have no enemies. Mahavira

Collectivism and freedom are mortal enemies. Only one will survive. G. Edward Griffin

Agnes Darling, if such should be we never meet again, while firing my last shot, I will gently breathe the name of my wife – Agnes – and with wishes even for my enemies I will make the plunge and try to swim to the other shore. Wild Bill Hickok

One hearty laugh together will bring enemies into a closer communion of heart than hours spent on both sides in inward wrestling with the mental demon of uncharitable feeling. William James

If you don’t have enemies, you don’t have character. Paul Newman

I am beginning to have more powerful enemies and more envious ones, too. Francisco Goya

Cheney is a terrorist. He terrorizes our enemies abroad and innocent citizens here at home indiscriminately. Alec Baldwin

My dad raised me with some good advice: ‘Always tell the truth. Always shoot from the hip. You might not have many friends, but you’ll never have enemies, because people will always know where you’re coming from.’ Pink

Oh, happy day when the enemies of ascendancy have got to confess that people of color rock. John Ridley

Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas. Joseph Stalin

Those who served, and those who continue to serve in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard took an oath to uphold and protect the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, and we can never forget the importance of their commitment to our Nation. Robin Hayes

Even paranoids have real enemies. Golda Meir

Beware of no man more than of yourself; we carry our worst enemies within us. Charles Spurgeon

Friends come and go but enemies accumulate. Arthur Bloch

A father may turn his back on his child, brothers and sisters may become inveterate enemies, husbands may desert their wives, wives their husbands. But a mother’s love endures through all. Washington Irving

Frenemies are worse than enemies, and it’s not just in the workplace. Adam Grant

I don’t wish jail on nobody, not even my worst enemies. Lil Durk

I was called a terrorist yesterday, but when I came out of jail, many people embraced me, including my enemies, and that is what I normally tell other people who say those who are struggling for liberation in their country are terrorists. Nelson Mandela

The days are gone forever when our enemies could blackmail us with nuclear bombs. Kim Jong-un

In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Men are by nature merely indifferent to one another; but women are by nature enemies. Arthur Schopenhauer

I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made. Franklin D. Roosevelt

I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: ‘O Lord make my enemies ridiculous.’ And God granted it. Voltaire

The wise learn many things from their enemies. Aristophanes

Jealousy is no more than feeling alone against smiling enemies. Elizabeth Bowen

If we could read the secret history of our enemies we should find in each man’s life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Old friends become bitter enemies on a sudden for toys and small offenses. Robert Burton

The idea is to go to bed every night with fewer enemies than you had in the morning. David Petraeus

We make our friends; we make our enemies; but God makes our next door neighbour. Gilbert K. Chesterton

As our enemies have found we can reason like men, so now let us show them we can fight like men also. Thomas Jefferson

Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends? Abraham Lincoln

Always write angry letters to your enemies. Never mail them. James Fallows

War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen, and I say let us give them all they want. William Tecumseh Sherman

Anton Usov
Anton Usov
I am Anton Usov, an educator with a passion for quotes that resonate with the human experience. Over many years, I have curated a collection that reflects wisdom and emotions across time. Join me in exploring the power of words to inspire and enlighten our paths.
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