Atheism Quotes

Welcome to our collection of Atheism Quotes, where we delve into the profound thoughts and reflections of notable figures who have contemplated the existence of deities and the nature of belief. Atheism, the absence of belief in gods or supernatural entities, has been a subject of contemplation and debate throughout human history. From ancient philosophers to modern intellectuals, individuals have grappled with questions about the origin of the universe, the purpose of life, and the role of religion in society.

In this compilation, you’ll encounter a diverse array of perspectives, ranging from the scathing critiques of religion to the nuanced reflections on the human condition. Whether you identify as an atheist, agnostic, or believer, these quotes invite you to ponder the complexities of faith, reason, and skepticism. They challenge us to critically examine our assumptions about the divine and to appreciate the diversity of thought that enriches our understanding of the world. Below, you’ll find an assortment of quotes that you can copy, pair with imagery, or enhance with stylish fonts to share and contemplate.

I think the neoatheists have set atheism back a few decades. And I’m a self-described atheist. Matt Stone

I think comics is a really good way to talk about skepticism and atheism and things like that… it was easy to tell those stories and, I think, helpful to some people to tell them in comic form. Using visuals makes it easier to break stuff down and makes it somewhat easier to understand. Box Brown

The very idea of carrying my memory into eternity devastated me, and I took refuge in atheism. Taylor Caldwell

Our English language really says if you’re not a theist, the only alternative is to be an atheist. What I’m trying to do is develop a language that will enable us to talk about God beyond the, what I think, are sterile categories of theism and atheism. John Shelby Spong

Atheism is the last word of theism. Heinrich Heine

No philosophy, no religion, has ever brought so glad a message to the world as this good news of Atheism. Annie Besant

I oscillate between agnosticism and atheism. Brad Pitt

If atheism is to be used to express the state of mind in which God is identified with the unknowable, and theology is pronounced to be a collection of meaningless words about unintelligible chimeras, then I have no doubt, and I think few people doubt. Leslie Stephen

Atheism is a religion itself complete with fanatics and bigots. Vanna Bonta

I consider myself an atheist. My wife is Jewish. And I’m fine with my son being raised as a Jew. He’s learning Hebrew and is really into it. I will talk to my own son about my atheism when the time is right. But there’s a great tradition of Jewish atheism, there are no better atheists in the world than the Jews. Paul Giamatti

The major obstacle to a religious renewal is the intellectual classes, who are highly influential and tend to view religion as primitive superstition. They believe that science has left atheism as the only respectable intellectual stance. Robert Bork

The Old Testament is responsible for more atheism, agnosticism, disbelief – call it what you will – than any book ever written. It has emptied more churches than all the counter-attractions of cinema, motor-bicycle and golf course. A. A. Milne

A little philosophy inclineth man’s mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men’s minds about to religion. Francis Bacon

There is no being eloquent for atheism. In that exhausted receiver the mind cannot use its wings, – the clearest proof that it is out of its element. Augustus Hare

I went through the standard scientific atheist phase when I was about 14. I bought into that package deal of science equals atheism. Rupert Sheldrake

When people talk about their God, it is difficult to know what they actually mean, and when people talk about their atheism, it is usually incomprehensible also. Michael Leunig

Sometimes I feel like those born-again folk, always working on their faith, but I’m always working on my atheism. We all have our struggles. Nathan Englander

Atheism is like the highest level of white privilege. It’s like having a black belt in white privilege. W. Kamau Bell

I think true atheism is a rare thing in human affairs: Even in the most secularized precincts of Europe, a lot of nominal nonbelievers turn out to have all sorts of supernatural and metaphysical beliefs. Ross Douthat

To give religion two minutes a day, in its own space, isn’t exactly selling general morality or atheism short. Melvyn Bragg

If there is a God, atheism must seem to Him as less of an insult than religion. Edmond de Goncourt

Unfortunately, the average guy on the street believes that studying evolution leads to atheism. Greg Graffin

America’s freedom of religion, and freedom from religion, offers every wisdom tradition an opportunity to address our soul-deep needs: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, secular humanism, agnosticism and atheism among others. Parker Palmer

There is no gospel of atheism. Atheists don’t pray at the altar of a Richard Dawkins poster. Gad Saad

We aim in the domain of politics at republicanism; in the domain of economics at socialism; in the domain of what is today called religion, at atheism. August Bebel

Small amounts of philosophy lead to atheism, but larger amounts bring us back to God. Francis Bacon

We’re dealing with whether we’re going to accept the idea of socialism and Marxism and atheism. Or go back to the American way, Judeo-Christian values, which meritocracy is part of it. The idea that content and character and talent are colorblind. Burgess Owens

Atheism is nothing more than the noises reasonable people make when in the presence of religious dogma. Sam Harris

Unhappy, let alone angry, religious people provide more persuasive arguments for atheism and secularism than do all the arguments of atheists. Dennis Prager

The god most Americans say they believe in is just not interesting enough to deny. Thus the only kind of atheism that counts in America is to call into question the proposition that everyone has a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Stanley Hauerwas

Coming out as an atheist can cost an academic his or her job in some parts of America, and many choose to keep quiet about their atheism. Richard Dawkins

Atheism shows strength of mind, but only to a certain degree. Blaise Pascal

My mother attended the local church, Saint Nicolas, and consequently, I attended that church and its Sunday School. My only prizes from the Sunday School were ‘for attendance,’ so I presume my atheism, which developed when I left home to attend university, although latent, was discernible. Michael Smith

From my early 20s on, I would waver between atheism and agnosticism, never coming close to considering that God could be real. Kirsten Powers

No man has ceased to believe in God before having decided that he should not exist; no book would produce atheism, and no book can restore faith. Joseph de Maistre

Sadly, I have found that even evolution’s most staunch believers are afraid to debate, because they know that their case for atheism and evolution is less than extremely weak. Ray Comfort

The more a nation gets into darkness, the more it’s going to hate the light. The more it’s going to run from the light. And we have a generation of people who have given themselves to darkness, and they’ve embraced atheism, because it gets them away from moral responsibility to God. Ray Comfort

I never outgrew my conversion to atheism at 13, but at various times was a serious cultural Jew. Steven Pinker

Hawking has violated the unspoken rules of atheism. He isn’t supposed to use words like ‘create’ or even ‘made.’ They necessitate a Creator and a Maker. Neither are you supposed to let out that the essence of atheism is to believe that nothing created everything, because it’s unthinking. Ray Comfort

Man is not born to atheism. He is born to believe. Billy Graham

All theory of modernity in sociology suggests that the more modernity there is, the less religion. In my theory we can realize that this is wrong: atheism is only one belief system among many. Ulrich Beck

Crucially, Marxist atheism is only achieved once the theological critique of capitalism is completed. This is what separates Marxist atheism from the gliberal platitudes of the likes of Nick Cohen, who proclaim secularism while remaining attached to the theology of capital (liberal commonsense). Mark Fisher

If atheism solved all human woe, then the Soviet Union would have been an empire of joy and dancing bunnies instead of the land of corpses. John C. Wright

I was raised in a deeply Catholic family. There was a sense that everything we were doing was to prepare ourselves for an afterlife in heaven. In my teenage years, that became less important to me. Eventually, that turned into agnosticism, which became atheism. David Lowery

I have a great love and respect for religion, great love and respect for atheism. What I hate is agnosticism, people who do not choose. Orson Welles

Selfishness is the only real atheism; aspiration, unselfishness, the only real religion. Israel Zangwill

Most atheists bristle at the thought that atheism has anything to do with faith, but not Penn Jillette. Ray Comfort

Our atheism family tradition is traced to a – I don’t know if it was great-great or a great-great-great grandmother who was a poor Irish-American woman in the 1880s in western Montana. Barbara Ehrenreich

The more thoroughly I conduct scientific research, the more I believe that science excludes atheism. Lord Kelvin

Atheism is not a philosophy; it is not even a view of the world; it is simply a refusal to deny the obvious. Unfortunately, we live in a world in which the obvious is overlooked as a matter of principle. Sam Harris

I accept that there are multitudes seeking God, seeking meaning, and so on, but if they reject atheism, I would rather they became modern-day Catholics or Jews than that they became Muslims. Ayaan Hirsi Ali

The problem when arguing with those who believe in atheistic evolution is that they move goal posts by redefining atheism or evolution or the word ‘species.’ Ray Comfort

One does not become an atheist out of a desire for hassle-free Sunday mornings. People come to atheism because they have a problem with organized religion – usually a problem they consider to be of moral urgency. Lynn Coady

It is not the Head but the Heart that is the Seat of Atheism. Mary Astell

Atheism is really nothing but a sorry litany of non-sequiturs, e.g., if God existed, why do we have all the evil and horrors in the world? But this presupposes that God is all-good, an obvious non-sequitur. Vincent Bugliosi

Atheism is so senseless. When I look at the solar system, I see the earth at the right distance from the sun to receive the proper amounts of heat and light. This did not happen by chance. Isaac Newton

Atheism is having a heyday in the born-again United States. Alain de Botton

I have always regretted the dumb and offensive comments I made in my 20s on atheism and homosexuality. Mehdi Hasan

The devil divides the world between atheism and superstition. George Herbert

Empty-brained triflers who have never tried to think, who take their creed as they take their fashions, speak of atheism as the outcome of foul life and vicious desires. Annie Besant

Atheism is aristocratic; the idea of a great Being that watches over oppressed innocence and punishes triumphant crime is altogether popular. Maximilien Robespierre

It’s all about secular unionism, the advancement of atheism, which they even tried to create in this law – Democrats did – an atheistic chaplaincy. John Fleming

I’m constantly reading books on God or the absence of God and atheism. Liam Neeson

The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians who acknowledge Jesus with their lips and walk out the door and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable. Brennan Manning

Religion cannot and should not be replaced by atheism. Religion needs to go away and not be replaced by anything. Atheism is not a religion. It’s the absence of religion, and that’s a wonderful thing. Penn Jillette

Atheism has been on the rise for years now, and the Bible of the atheists is ‘The Origin of Species.’ Kirk Cameron

I believe the fast track to atheism is reading the Bible. I’ve read it three times all the way through. It’s a big part of our culture, a big part of our history. I don’t just read things I agree with. Penn Jillette

My atheism, like that of Spinoza, is true piety towards the universe and denies only gods fashioned by men in their own image, to be servants of their human interests. George Santayana

To be an atheist requires an indefinitely greater measure of faith than to recieve all the great truths which atheism would deny. Joseph Addison

I don’t mind if other people call me an atheist, but I call myself a naturalist. Atheism doesn’t tell you much about what I do believe in; the term naturalist opens up the discussion better. Greg Graffin

During my sojourn in ironclad atheism, the primary arsenal leveled against Christianity had been its failure on empirical grounds. Surely, enlightened reason offered a more coherent cosmos. Surely, Occam’s razor cut the faithful free from blind faith. There is no proof of God; therefore, it is unreasonable to believe in God. Paul Kalanithi

Atheism is a moral position – a rather rigid one, if you’ve ever read the opinions of its highest-profile espousers, Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins. Lynn Coady

Ah-rah-han, the first Buddhist apostle of Burma, under the patronage of King Anan-ra-tha-men-zan, disseminated the doctrines of atheism and taught his disciples to pant after annihilation as the supreme good. Adoniram Judson

Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism. Vladimir Lenin

My personal feeling is that understanding evolution led me to atheism. Richard Dawkins

Atheism is a non-prophet organization. George Carlin

The only theism worthy of our respect believes in God not because of the way the world is made but in spite of that. The only theism that is no less profound than the Buddha’s atheism is that represented in the Bible by Job and Jeremiah. Walter Kaufmann

But after he was pleased to reveal himself to me I did presently, like Abraham, run to Hagar. And after that he did let me see the atheism of my own heart, for which I begged of the Lord that it might not remain in my heart. Anne Hutchinson

Opposite to godliness is atheism in profession, and idolatry in practice. Atheism is so senseless and odious to mankind, that it never had many professors. Isaac Newton

I don’t think atheism means one does not believe in a spiritual life. I think it means one does not follow the tenets of the established religions. Amanda Donohoe

I’m an atheist, but I’m very relaxed about it. I don’t preach my atheism, but I have a huge amount of respect for people like Richard Dawkins who do. Daniel Radcliffe

Anton Usov
Anton Usov
I am Anton Usov, an educator with a passion for quotes that resonate with the human experience. Over many years, I have curated a collection that reflects wisdom and emotions across time. Join me in exploring the power of words to inspire and enlighten our paths.
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