Amy McGrath Quotes

Welcome to the Amy McGrath Quotes page, where inspiration and insight await. Amy McGrath, a former Marine fighter pilot and Democratic candidate for political office, has offered numerous compelling perspectives on leadership, service, and the challenges facing our society. Whether you’re seeking motivation, guidance, or simply a thought-provoking perspective, you’ll find her words resonate deeply.

As a pioneer in her field, McGrath’s quotes reflect her experiences as one of the first female fighter pilots in the United States Marine Corps and her subsequent foray into politics. Her words encapsulate the resilience, determination, and dedication required to break barriers and effect meaningful change. With a commitment to public service and a willingness to confront adversity head-on, McGrath’s insights offer invaluable lessons for individuals from all walks of life.

Below, you’ll find a collection of Amy McGrath’s most compelling quotes. Feel free to explore, reflect, and share these words of wisdom. Whether you’re looking to adorn them on an image, amplify them with stylish fonts, or simply take them to heart, may these quotes inspire and empower you on your journey of leadership and service.

I deeply wish to help move Kentucky and our country forward and I can assure you that I will continue to speak out on the important issues of the day. Amy McGrath

I believe health care is a right, not a privilege, not something only the wealthiest 1 percent can afford it should have. Amy McGrath

We can actually do some very practical things that can help people’s lives and make life better for Kentuckians and that’s what I’m all about. Amy McGrath

I want to do what’s right for the country. Amy McGrath

I just wanted to serve my country. Amy McGrath

I’ll tell ya, I’m a pro-Second Amendment person, I’m a gun owner. I went to combat with a 9 millimeter strapped to my chest and a 20 millimeter cannon on the front of my jet. I’m no stranger to weapons. Amy McGrath

I don’t think the government should be involved in a woman’s right to choose what is happening to her body. Amy McGrath

Honor and integrity are at the heart of everything Marines do. It’s why I believe so strongly that Joe Biden is the president who can return honor and integrity to the Oval Office. Amy McGrath

As a military officer – and this is – I have lived my life in the national security realm – I don’t think I could vote for Donald Trump, because, you know, for one, I’m not a fan of a president or a commander in chief wrapping his arms around any dictator. That’s very important to me. Amy McGrath

With regard to women, I’m not running as a woman – ‘Vote for me!’ But the fact of the matter is we have a very low percentage of women in our Legislature in this country compared to other nations in the western world. Amy McGrath

I’ve spent my adult life in the national security realm. Amy McGrath

Providing access to a public option for health insurance would allow all Americans the choice to buy a government insurance plan, much like I buy for my family as a military retiree. Amy McGrath

You know, I think that with Judge Kavanaugh, yeah, I probably would have voted for him. Amy McGrath

Marines know we’re all on the same team. Amy McGrath

When I was an Independent I believed the same things I believe now as a Democrat. I was an Independent because I was a military officer. I felt like that was the best thing to do because I wanted to be a leader and I didn’t want to influence people under me in that way. Amy McGrath

I was the first woman Marine to fly in an F-18 in combat, and I got to land on aircraft carriers. Amy McGrath

If you want more of the same, Mitch McConnell is your guy. He is the ultimate insider. He is the epitome of dysfunction in Washington. Amy McGrath

I will give everyday Kentuckians a voice in Washington – not just special interests or the wealthiest 1%. Amy McGrath

We need to make meaningful, uh, adjustments, here in this country with criminal justice, with education inequities, with real racial inequities in terms of health care. Amy McGrath

Look, there might not be a whole lot of people that really can relate to being a fighter pilot. Let’s just be honest. But there’s a ton of people that can relate to being a mom, because I am doing it right along with them. Amy McGrath

I think there are enough restrictions on abortion and they’re reasonable. Amy McGrath

I’m not somebody who seeks attention. Amy McGrath

It’s typical of Andy Barr and his team, taking things out of context. Amy McGrath

We deserve better than a win-at-all-costs mentality. Amy McGrath

I know how to work on a mission. Amy McGrath

I learned in the Marines to leave no one behind, but after 34 years in Washington, Mitch McConnell left our coal miners behind years ago. Amy McGrath

Folks don’t always win the first time they run. Amy McGrath

If you look at why many Kentuckians voted for President Trump, for example, they voted for an outsider. They voted for somebody who was gonna shake up the system. He promised to drain the swamp. And, you know, my message is you can’t do that until you get rid of Senator McConnell. Amy McGrath

We’re seeing that the well-funded, sort of ‘having the establishment backing’ doesn’t really help you. In fact, you know people are sort of tired of that – they don’t trust the Democratic National Party. Many Democrats in Kentucky don’t. They are looking for somebody who is honest. Amy McGrath

My childhood dream was never to be a politician. Amy McGrath

Kentuckians voted for Donald Trump because they wanted to drain the swamp and lower prescription drug prices. A lot of what has stood in the way of what Donald Trump promised is Senator McConnell. Amy McGrath

I am further left, I am more progressive, than anyone in the state of Kentucky. Amy McGrath

Climate change is a fact, disrupting the environment, and also affecting economies, disease vectors, and political unrest worldwide. Amy McGrath

I trust Robert Mueller, I trust our intelligence community and I trust our national security community because I’ve worked with them my entire adult life. Amy McGrath

Our constitutional principles, which you can say, ‘Well, they’re on a paper and they’ll never be taken away.Folks, we have to fight for those every day. Freedom of the press – you think that can’t go away? OK. Maybe. Amy McGrath

Climate change is absolutely real and if you don’t believe that you ought to believe every four-star general in our military is planning for it. Amy McGrath

The allegations surrounding whether President Trump pressured the Ukrainian leader to investigate the family of his political rival is, if true, a disgraceful betrayal of the oath of office and demands immediate action by Congress. Amy McGrath

Well, you know, we train really hard before we go to combat, and so that, when we go to combat, we’re ready to execute. Amy McGrath

I left home at 18, but I still voted in Kentucky. Every holiday, I came home to Kentucky. Amy McGrath

The fake news, the divisiveness, the labeling of every side. It’s wrong, and it’s not America. Amy McGrath

I’m on the side of miners and their families. And I’ll never walk away. Amy McGrath

Trump promised to bring back jobs. He promised to lower drug prices for so many Kentuckians. And that is very important. Amy McGrath

I have never called myself a pro-Trump Democrat. Amy McGrath

When President Trump withdrew from the Paris Climate Accords, he acted irresponsibly given the trajectory of the global climate and severely lessened our power internationally. Amy McGrath

We’d never be talking about Senator McGrath saying anything about state and local governments should be going bankrupt. I’d never even think about it. Amy McGrath

Voters are fed up with politicians like Sen. McConnell who show themselves vacant of any moral compass or patriotic courage, and whose public statements are guided by just one metric – which team you are on. Amy McGrath

You can’t drain the swamp, as President Trump has touted doing, without getting rid of Mitch McConnell. Amy McGrath

Senator McConnell has always won in the past because he’s had a bigger blow horn. He’s always had tens of millions of dollars more than his opponent. Amy McGrath

With regard to the more moderates, I have spent 20 years as a United States Marine. I’m a little more realistic when it comes to some of these foreign policy, defense policy issues, some of the things we do overseas. And so I really feel like I can connect to the more moderates. Amy McGrath

Part of that problem is women don’t run. We don’t run for office. It’s not that people are overwhelmingly voting against us. We just don’t step up to the plate. So we have to do a better job of recruiting women and getting women to step up. Amy McGrath

In the Navy, the captain doesn’t leave the bridge when the ship is in distress. It’s a pretty basic leadership principle. Amy McGrath

They perform an essential function in keeping our borders secure and I oppose an abolishing of ICE. Amy McGrath

When I left Kentucky at age 18 to attend the U.S. Naval Academy and lifted my right hand to swear the oath to defend our Constitution, I did so willingly. Amy McGrath

If we were to build a health care system from scratch, single-payer would be the way to go. But we have a very complex health care system in America. Amy McGrath

I believe that we need to have a public option. Amy McGrath

Part of the problem with politics is we don’t have people who want to get in the fray because of guys like Sen. McConnell, who essentially invented negative campaigning. Amy McGrath

We can make American governing institutions better, but we can’t make them better if nobody wants to go into them because we’re bashing them. Amy McGrath

America should lead in addressing climate change. Amy McGrath

Trust me, I’ve been to countries where there’s no government. And our government’s pretty damned good. Amy McGrath

Everything that’s wrong in Washington had to start someplace. Amy McGrath

I’m one-hundred percent pro-choice. I align with everything Emily’s List aligns with. Amy McGrath

People who know me personally know me as an introvert. Amy McGrath

As somebody who has spent her entire adult life defending this country, I’d say defending our elections is a fundamental part of defending our democracy. Amy McGrath

Growing up in northern Kentucky, honesty, integrity and character were revered traits, and – with my family – I looked to the greatest generation of Americans who saved the world during World War II. Amy McGrath

If President Trump has good ideas, I’ll be for them. Amy McGrath

We need a senator who fights for things like affordable health care, college and technical school, not tax cuts for wealthy donors. That doesn’t mean free college or Medicare for All, I’m against that. Amy McGrath

I’m somebody who looks at things through the lens of being a wife and being a mother and being a United States Marine. Amy McGrath

We must demand a more civil tone and tenor in our politics. Amy McGrath

As someone who has been a Marine, how do you change things? You step up to the plate. And you are the one who says put me in. Amy McGrath

Every Kentuckian deserves to be able to visit the doctor and get the treatment they need, and no one should have to choose between filling their prescriptions and paying their rent. Amy McGrath

The Republican Party does such a better job of grooming the next generation of Republican leaders. The Democratic Party does not, and I think that we need to change that. Amy McGrath

I mean, the Democratic Party is the party of young people. Amy McGrath

The reason why we have 19 percent women in places like Congress is because we don’t run at the same rate as men. And I think one of the things we’re starting to realize is we have to step into the arena. Amy McGrath

You know, I would say that I understand why the voters in Kentucky voted for Donald Trump. They are tired of the swamp. They are tired of the dysfunction. Amy McGrath

In the Senate, I will put people before politics. Amy McGrath

Every Kentuckian, regardless of background, should have access to a job that pays a living wage. Amy McGrath

Mitch McConnell is not well liked. Many Kentuckians feel that he has left them behind, that he is a part of the D.C. sort of swamp, the system that has left so many Kentuckians behind, that is really dysfunctional. Amy McGrath

I am fighting to stop the corruption in Washington that was created by Mitch McConnell. Amy McGrath

Many Kentuckians are benefiting from it. Even Republican Kentuckians are benefiting from the Affordable Care Act. Amy McGrath

We need a new generation of leaders who can put their country over their political party to do what’s right for Kentucky and are not bought off by special interests. Amy McGrath

Frankly, voters in Kentucky really don’t like both political parties. Amy McGrath

For my family and my neighbors, America stood for something real, something tangible. America, and therefore Americans, stood for freedom, family, truth and justice. Amy McGrath

I am deeply concerned about the leadership of the national Democratic Party. Amy McGrath

During my 20 years as a Marine, I served three combat tours and as a Congressional Fellow advising a senior member of the House Armed Services Committee on defense and foreign policy. I went on to serve in the Pentagon as Marine Corps’ liaison to the State Department. Amy McGrath

The ACA is far from perfect, but through Kynect and expanded Medicaid, it enabled more than 400,000 Kentuckians – especially those with pre-existing conditions – to get affordable health insurance for the first time. Amy McGrath

Government shutdowns are so stupid. From my perspective, somebody who’s been in government, been in the military, worked with federal government workers in the State Department, in USAID and in the Department of Defense – you’re hurting them. Amy McGrath

There are so many places in our state that are just economically desolated and so what they’re looking for are good quality jobs and how we get that back. Amy McGrath

I’m very concerned about President Trump and his policy by tweet. Amy McGrath

The election of 2016 changed a lot of us. Amy McGrath

My husband’s a Republican. Amy McGrath

I got married in 2009, and my husband and I both immediately deployed to Afghanistan. Amy McGrath

I’m not a polished politician. Amy McGrath

Like most Americans, I am tired of the partisan politics that keep our government from passing common-sense legislation to improve the lives of Americans. Amy McGrath

My husband and I, we are not Democrat or Republican first. We are Americans first. Amy McGrath

The selflessness and service of the veterans I have met and served with are the living embodiment of what America and American values mean to me. Amy McGrath

When you talk about the coal communities we need a senator to protect the benefits these coal miners need and deserve and earned, because coal powered our country in the 20th Century. Amy McGrath

I had this dream. I wanted to fly fighter jets. And that’s what I did. Amy McGrath

I’m not going to apologize for serving my country. Amy McGrath

I was unwilling and we remain unwilling to be part of the problem. I was unwilling to be part of the problem just to get to the office. Amy McGrath

It’s not about left or right, red or blue. It’s about doing what is right for Kentucky. Amy McGrath

Anton Usov
Anton Usov
I am Anton Usov, an educator with a passion for quotes that resonate with the human experience. Over many years, I have curated a collection that reflects wisdom and emotions across time. Join me in exploring the power of words to inspire and enlighten our paths.
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